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Mithridates the Great: what is behind the brand name

Here are just some of the facts that are definitely worth knowing about this legendary ruler:

– Mithridates VI (born in 134 BC), whose ancestors were representatives of the most noble Greek and Persian families, is known as the greatest ruler of the Pontic kingdom

– He was attributed kinship with Alexander the Great and Cyrus the Great

– Mithridates successfully resisted Rome for over 40 years, waging three military campaigns (known as the Mithridatic Wars), and in turn challenging the three outstanding generals of Rome – Sulla, Lucullus and Pompey

– King Mithridates was the first known in history polyglot, who knew at least 20 languages. It is not surprising that the first editions with parallel texts in several languages ​​were called “Mithridates”

– Contemporaries believed that King Mithridates managed to develop immunity to poisons. Addiction to poisons in modern toxicology is still called “mitridatism”

– Mithridates succeeded in creating the second largest Hellenistic empire after Alexander the Great

– After the annexation of Crimea to Russia in 1783, by decree of Catherine II in honor of Tsar Mithridates VI Evpator Dionysius, the city of Gezlev was renamed to Evpatoria

– Depending on the point of view, Mithridates was considered either a hero or a villain, but he was and remains one of the legendary rulers of the past and a liberator, who courageously fought against the enemies of his people until his last breath


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