Due to recent coronavirus outbreak, working remotely is no longer an alternative but a vital requirement for many businesses. Here are a few key elements of work-from-home policy, which should be shared with the entire staff:
• Having the proper technology: Computer, email, phone conferencing, access to internal networks are all tools that employees need, whether they work from home or a public location.
• Using a secure connection: Remote workers should have a secured Wi-Fi network and work with a trusted virtual private network (VPN).
• Implementing communications programs: Stay in touch with employees who work from home via Teams, Skype, Slack and other messaging services, or video conference.
• Setting clear expectations in your work from home policy: Create a work from home policy with your specific expectations of the program. The policy would include instructions for an employee’s daily work schedule, your company’s overtime policy, description of a dedicated workspace, instructions for protection of confidential information.
• Trusting your employees.
Keep up the good work and stay safe!